Dolmexica Infinite

presented by Dogma 2018-2023



Dolmexica Infinite is a M.U.G.E.N interpreter for Dreamcast/Web/Windows/Vita. For more information on M.U.G.E.N, please consult the original M.U.G.E.N documentation at

For the differences between Dolmexica Infinite and M.U.G.E.N, consult the difference documentation.

Its two most important new features:

Dolmexica Infinite is open-source, and the source is available at

Contents and Files

File List

File or directoryPurpose
DolmexicaInfinite[Version].exe The main Dolmexica Infinite executable
chars/ Directory containing character files
data/mugen.cfg (alternatively data/dolmexica.cfg) Preferences and settings (text file)
data/select.def Character and stage config (text file)
data/ other files Motif files
docs/ Documentation
font/ Directory containing font files
sound/ Directory containing music files
stages/ Directory containing stage files

Global File Types

Files with these extensions can be found in various subdirectories in the Dolmexica Infinite directory.
File extensionType
airAnimations (text)
defDefinition file -- has various uses depending on the filename (text)
fntFont file -- old version; new font files are a pair of .fnt and .sff
sffSprite file
sndSound file

Character Files

Character files are located as subdirectories in the chars/ directory. The files may be named differently for different characters.
Example fileType
player.airAnimations (text)
player.cmdCharacter commands and move definitions (text)
player.cnsCharacter states and behavior (text)
player.defBasic info and filenames of files used by the character (text)
player.sffCharacter sprites
player.sndCharacter sounds

Motif Files

Motifs are located as subdirectories in the data/ directory.
common1.cnsBehavior information common to all characters (text)
common1.sndSound effects that all characters can access
fight.defDefines the look and feel of the fight screen, i.e. lifebars, etc (text)
fight.sffSprites used in the fight screen
fight.sndSounds used in the fight screen
fightfx.airAnimation data for in-fight effects, such as hit sparks
fightfx.sffSprite data for in-fight effects
select.defDefines what characters and stages are included in the game
system.defDefines the look of the system screens, such as title and character select screen
system.sffSprites used for the system screens
system.sndSounds used for the system screens
osu.airAnimation data for Osu mode.
osu.sffSprites for Osu mode.
osu.sndSounds for Osu mode.



Technical reference for Dolmexica Infinite.