Make-your-own-game for Dreamcast documentation

Toolkit to make your own Dolmexica Infinite game for Dreamcast. It is part of the Dolmexica Infinite download. Part of this kit are a .bat file that is used as a command line tool as well as a program that serves as a graphical interface for it. The program is contained in the root folder, the .bat file can be found inside the dreamcast folder.


Open "Dolmexica Infinite Make-your-own-game kit for Dreamcast.exe"

Batch script command

make_cdi.bat CD_NAME CdiName


make_cdi.bat DOLMEXICA_INFINITE_DEMO_100 DolmexicaInfiniteDemo100

How to use

To mod the game, change the files in assets just like you would with Mugen (only difference is that you must avoid minuses in file names).
If you want your own IP.BIN data, edit dreamcast/ip/ip.txt
If you want your own boot logo at the license screen, edit dreamcast/ip/INSERT.png (just remember you have to use a paletted 320x90 image with no more than 128 colors for that one)

Known issues

Third-party tools used in the toolkit

Feel free to read up on how these programs work, making your own dreamcast disc is always the most fun.