Dolmexica Infinite, presented by Dogma 2018-2023
Documentation for release version (2023)
Updated 30 June 2023
Story helpers are state machines that can run in parallel to player state machines. Their controllers are the same as regular player controllers, but they have an additional parameter,, which can be either p1 or p2 to target player 1 or player 2 respectively.
In addition to the regular player controllers, some story controllers are also available. These do not use the parameter. A list of story controllers available for story helpers is available below.
The special thing about story helper triggers is that both time and stateno are not available, instead there are two new triggers called storytime and storystateno which fulfill the same purpose for story helpers. Player variables can be accessed with p1, or p2, prefixes respectively, like with regular player state machines.
In order to use story helpers in a storymode fight, use the storymode parameter. This will override the story mode helper set in the stage, if there is any.
In order to add a storyhelper to a stage, use the story parameter in the BGdef group. This path can be either relative to the dolmexica root or to the stage.
In order to use player triggers, use p1, and p2, to change to a player context and use triggers as you would in regular fights. Please note that neither time nor stateno work with story helpers, and have to be replaced with storytime and storystateno respectively. The following triggers are added for story helpers:
Return state number of story helper.
trigger1 = StoryStateNo = 10 Triggers if story helper is in state 10.
Return time passed since current state was entered.
trigger1 = StoryTime % 10 = 0 Triggers on every 10th tick in a state.
All player state controllers can be used, the only difference is that the parameter has to be set to either to p1 or p2. In addition to that, the following story state controllers can be used (see Story state controller reference for documentation on those.)