Make-your-own-game for Vita documentation

Toolkit to make your own Dolmexica Infinite game for Vita. Part of this kit are a .bat file that is used as a command line tool as well as a program that serves as a graphical interface for it. The program is contained in the root folder, the .bat file can be found inside the vita folder.


Open "Dolmexica Infinite Make-your-own-game kit for Vita.exe"

Batch script command

make_vita.bat GameName TitleID Version


make_vita.bat "Dolmexica Infinite" DOLM00001 01.00

How to use

To mod the game, change the files in the assets folder just like you would with Mugen.
If you want to modify the appearance of the game in the Vita menu, modify the files in vita/common/sce_sys/ before building.
The output will be a .vpk file you can upload to your Vita and install there.

Temporary files created during the packaging are created in the vita/build folder. If something goes wrong during packaging, these files might be helpful with debugging.

Known issues

Third-party tools used in the toolkit